
Hey I am trying to summarize the meeting, please feel free to edit since i am sure that miss details (appologize as well). -Yuk.


I added something. - Hanna


First Meeting

People: Hanna, Yuk, James, Sonia, visitor from Vienna, Susan, Sophia, Andy, Amy, Goetz, Johanna(sorry if i spell it wrong)

Date: 17 June, 08(Tuesday)

Time: 6:00 PM

Venue: Goldsmiths Tavern


The discussion centered on how to create a communication model outside the institution.


Goetz pointed out three levels of communication which he thinks we are lack of:

1. there is not critical debate among ourselves (teaching staff + students)

2. there is no critical debate among theories (how i can say deleuze is full of shit, and how can i tell you your understanding of heidegger is superficial? not in a pub though)

3. there is no critical debate among methodologies (how can i tell you that what your mean by political in your pratical work is actually bullshiting? how can i tell you that the commerical tool you are going to develop is going to fail)


we also discuss the problem of openness in both the students and teachers' research, without this openness, there is unlikely to be any critical debate. the next question is if we had this openness, how can we encourage people to speak to challenge without fear and worry. (one concern is that students may worry that their paper will be treated specially if they challenge their teacher) These are tasks which may take years, considering we are creating a new culture in ccs.


we also discuss how to do something other than academic, Andy suggested that we can have an allotment where we can work together and grow food. (Why not also prepare food together? Or do sports?) That would also build bridges over different year courses. ( Before I, Yuk, also suggested to Hanna that we should squat Cafe Creme when golsmiths wants it back). also how to gather some good works of students together in terms of publication. we also discuss how to make phd seminars more productive, for example we can organize workshop/presentations with a specific theme( according to james,the only common themes are time and space:)


The question of how to know better what others do or are working on was mentioned several times. It was suggested that people could start doing posters on their work (in the way they are used in science conferences). We could have a pin board at Laurie grove also for this kind of postings (and for all kind of messages more generally). Bhaskar previously suggested that we should have "a democracy wall" at the CCS.


All in all many thought we would need more opportunities for micro-collaboration, projects that bring together those who have common interests. All this comes easier if the communication infrastructure becomes stronger.


some suggestions we think worth a try:

1. a festival at the begining of the new school year, around october. the festival includes 1) inviting all teaching staff and students to present and challenge each other's research, 2) debate between students and teachers 3) students occupy the center, posters, graffitis, etc. 4) movies, music, etc. we didn't go into details, but generally it is agreed to be a good idea, as we can create an atmosphere that we are allowed to rebel and challenge each other

2. an anoynoumous forum, which we can discuss everything openly. according to goetz, this anoynoumous forum becomes big success in Japan, it may also bring something new to ccs. (This could also be seen as a virtual democracy wall.)

3. Having a teach-in on teaching factory.

4. carry on having informal (but still properly organized) meetings among those who want where new initiatives can be shared. Meetings should take place on a regular basis and be open to everyone who wants to come.